This story revolves around two friends- Alex and Carrie. These two become quick best friends, bonding during support group sessions. Alex is battling anorexia and Carrie's battle is cancer.
Alex has destroyed her relationship with her husband and children, or so she believes. She lives in a chronic state of guilt and despair. Feeling isolated and hopeless, she clings to her new friend Carrie, no matter what the circumstances.
Carrie is new to town, but makes it known that she has a wonderful, supportive family. Her life is practically perfect, except for her diagnosis of a aggressive form of cancer.
Is everything as it seems? Or are there lies and deceit found around every corner? Why does everyone around them keep disappearing? Where is Joanne, Simon and Smudge? Who is Natalie?
My thoughts
There is a whole bunch of lying and a whole lot of surprises in this book! I feel this isn't your typical suspense/mystery book, I feel it touches on alot of deeper subjects in addition to the twists and turns. Basically, it is a bit deeper than that. It touches on how people adapt to mental illness and grief and how they compensate for it. Being an Emergency Room nurse myself, I deal with people going through major life events and I get to see how they cope with it. I felt the author really captured how people that are so consumed with anorexia function. Alex had to lie to cover up more lies. It was a way of life for her.
Well thought out book. I often had to stop and wonder who was lying and why. There were many lies being spun, but in the end they were all explained away. They are truly friends until the end or are they?
5 stars
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