Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Necessary Peoply by Anna Pitoniak

Frenemies anyone? Holy crap if these two girls are best friends as they claim, I would certainly hate to be their enemy. Absolutely scandalous is what this book is! This was a buddy read with myself and one of my best book buddies Brenda from Two Sisters Lost in a Coulee. Please pop over to her blog and check out what she thought. It was a great buddy read because there was a lot to talk about!

Stella Bradley gets every thing she wants....always. She comes from a wealthy family and never seems to have a consequence for her actions, not matter how outlandish. She is reckless and has self proclaimed that she is "rich and lazy." You get the picture. She is gorgeous and everyone wants to be her and be with her. Her family supports her no matter what she gets herself into.

Violet is the polar opposite and it is interesting when they become friends in college. Violet has to work hard for everything and has no family support. Soon Stella and her family become her support system, except they always seem to find it necessary to remind her of it. There was a very odd dynamic to this relationship between herself and the Bradley's but it certainly kept me intrigued.

As their relationship evolved over the years one of them is overtaken with jealously. Their friendship is replaced with a competitive, nasty, back stabbing situations that will leave your mouth hanging open. I was enthralled from start to finish with this toxic relationship these girls had. Will one of them go too far?


  1. Wonderful review, Kim! So glad we got the chance to read this one together. I enjoyed reading it with you!

    1. Thank you Brenda! It was a great buddy read, that is for sure!


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